Once, in a quiet town nestled between rolling hills and whispering forests, there existed an ancient force known as Cyarthluthponez, an eldritch god of unfathomable power. Unlike its ominous counterparts, Cyarthluthponez harbored no desire for chaos or destruction. It did not want to destroy the world or drive humans insane. It wanted to befriend them and learn from them. It longed for connection and understanding, a sentiment unusual for eldritch beings.
One day, it stumbled on to a portal to Earth, a plane full of life and diversity. It decided to enter, and experience what it was like. It decided to manifest in a form familiar and comforting to humans—a cat. The eldritch god, now a sleek black feline, descended from the cosmic realms to the earthly plane. It wandered around the streets, looking for someone who would befriend it.
It came across a young woman, who was walking home from work. She saw the cat and smiled. The cat looked back at her - its eyes gleaming with an otherworldly intelligence. She loved cats, but she could not afford to have one in her small apartment. She bent down and petted him, and he purred happily. He liked her gentle touch and her kind eyes.
“Hello, little one,” she said. “Are you lost? Do you have a home?”. Cyarthluthponez meowed and rubbed his head against her hand. He wanted to go with her. He wanted to be her friend.
She felt sorry for the cat. He looked hungry and lonely. She decided to take him home with her, at least for the night. She picked him up and carried him in her arms. Unbeknownst to her, this feline held the wisdom of ages and the power to subtly influence the forces around it.
“Come on, then,” she said. “My name is Lila and I’ll call you Shadow, my Love. How do you like that?”, Cyarthluthponez nodded and licked her cheek. It liked the new name. It liked its new friend.
Lila took him to her apartment and gave him some food and water. She played with him and cuddled with him on the couch. She told him about her life, her dreams, her worries. Cyarthluthponez listened attentively and tried to comfort her with purrs and nuzzles. It learned a lot about humans and their emotions.
It also learned that Lila was lonely. She had no family or friends in the city. She worked as a waitress in a diner, where she was often mistreated by rude customers and a very bossy manager. She had no time or money for hobbies or fun. She wished she had someone to share her life with. Cyarthluthponez decided to stay with Lila and make her happy.
It used his powers to subtly influence her fate, making things easier for her at work, helping her find new opportunities, attracting good people into her life. It also used its powers to protect her from harm, warding off any threats or dangers that might come her way.
Lila noticed that things were getting better for her ever since she found Shadow. She felt more confident and optimistic. She was grateful for Shadow’s presence in her life. She loved him more than anything. Cyarthluthponez loved Lila too.
It was happy to see her smile and laugh. It felt a connection with her that it had never felt with anything else.
It knew that it could not stay with her forever. It knew that it belonged to a different world, a different reality. It knew that one day, It would have to leave her and return to its own kind.
But it did not want to think about that day. It wanted to live in the moment, with Lila. It wanted to be a cat, just a cat, for as long as it could.